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The application of office decoration geomantic omen is very important to the office and its application. In office decoration, after all, do a good job in the fair application of office decoration geomantic omen?


Firstly, everyone is not very familiar with Feng shui, but many people have such a misunderstanding that decoration Feng Shui is often mistaken for a feudal superstition. In fact, this kind of idea is wrong. The so-called geomantic omen is actually the study of the relationship between man and the situation. As far as the situation is concerned, the geomantic omen dispensing should disclose the rope ruler expressing people-oriented, and achieve the goal of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. It should follow the rope ruler of geomantic omen-oriented decoration, so as to achieve the plan of people-oriented and fair-handed accommodation according to time and place.


Secondly, in order to make the decoration results more attractive and satisfy the task needs of office workers, it is necessary to have a fair grasp of decoration geomantic omen. Generally speaking, all aspects of decoration design plans and plans, must be able to rely on the good or bad influence of all parties to do a good job of the chairman, general manager, finance room, conference room, reception room and other mission personnel office space fairness plan.


Third, it is necessary to grasp the fair plan of decoration geomancy. The "Mingtang" of the office should be large rather than small. The open space in front of the house is also called Mingtang; behind the desk, there is enough room for all kinds of people to compete for the largest space, at least within the scope permitted by the premise. On weekdays, the result of such a plan not only does not feel squeezed, but also makes me feel open-minded and expressive.


?At first, it is worth noting that the construction of office decoration results must be quiet and inactive. As people sit in office chairs, they should be quiet and avoid moving. As long as you are comfortable in front of your eyes and nobody walks around, you will have a sense of no chaos and safety, and you can easily concentrate on your office work. Of course, the rear of your seat should not have windows. If you do, you should sit back without a window, without a feeling of relying on the hill, and you should sit back with walls and hanging pictures.





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