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Now that people have money on hand, their standards for the requirements for decoration are also high, especially in the interior decoration of the office. If you want to make the interior of the office comfortable and stylish, it will cost a lot of money and energy. So what are the interior decoration design skills of the office? What are the main points of the interior decoration design of the office building? The following articles will share these issues with everyone, and look forward to helping friends in need.


Office building interior decoration design skills


Usually, people will determine a general style before starting work, and ask people to design the corresponding drawings. Nowadays, there are many decoration styles that can be chosen by the business owners. You can determine the approximate style according to the area, layout and orientation of the rented houses. For the small-sized office, you can choose simple style, Nordic style and rural style. Etc. For large offices, it is appropriate to choose European style, American style, new Chinese style and so on.


Office building interior decoration design skills II


After you have decided on the style, it is best to hire a local senior designer to make a rough design inside the house. When designing interiors, you should fully consider the use of functional requirements to make the indoor environment rational, comfortable, and scientific; and consider the rules of employee activities to deal with spatial relationships, space size, space ratio; rational allocation of furnishings and furniture, properly resolved Indoor ventilation, daylighting and lighting, pay attention to the overall effect of indoor tones.


Office building interior decoration design skills three


The new office renovation involves not only multiple processes, but also a variety of building materials. If you choose to repair the semi-package, you need to order the corresponding materials in advance to avoid the situation of the mess, which affects the progress of the decoration. Secondly, you need to understand the dimensional parameters of the wall, which will play a big role in the future purchase and placement of furniture.





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